Earth Day at Home: 7 Things You Can Do With the Family

Earth Day 2021 is near, and there are tons of activities you can do to celebrate and raise awareness while at your home. Crafting, cleaning & leaks - what else?

Water Droplet on A Leaf

Earth Day is becoming more and more popular every year, celebrated through activities at school, work or at a local level. But with strict COVID-19 restrictions still likely to be in place on the 22 April this year, you might be wondering how to raise awareness, without breaking the rule of six, travelling too far or whilst maintaining social distance.

The best way, of course, is - at home. And if you have a whole family at your side, this can turn into an educational and fun day for your children. If you're a small household, don't despair, did you know even just some home maintenance jobs can help the Earth? The most important thing about Earth Day is to just be enthusiastic about raising awareness and making a little personal change.

When Is Earth Day 2021?

Earth Day is traditionally held on April 22nd every year since the 1990s. The awareness campaign/celebration began in the United States in 1970 but it wasn't until 1990 when the first official celebrations and campaigns were held internationally. Earth Day is a day when you can simply appreciate nature, learn something new about sustainability and eco-friendly choices you can make.

someone holding the earth in their hands

What to do on Earth Day at Home

Clean Up Your Street

Previous years cleaning a local park or beauty spot was a popular activity but this can be just a bit too risky now. Instead work at a closer radius around your house, like your street. Make sure you keep social distance, if there are many volunteers and arm yourself with a bin bag, pair of latex gloves and lots of enthusiasm. It's so nice to see a sparkling clean street when going to the local shops.

Spend the Afternoon Gardening

The slogan for Earth Day 2021 is "Restore Our Earth" and what a better way to do this than planting some new life. Whether it's repotting plants, planting seeds in pots or doing a whole day of gardening with the family, we are certain everyone will enjoy an hour or two of green activities.

Gift Some Clothes

Recycling and repurposing are one of the key ways in which you can help save the planet. This Earth Day, why not pack everything that's too small, too big or just hangs in your closet. If you're too far away from a charity shop, try listing the clothes on Facebook Marketplace. You can organise a contactless pick up, and ensure that no unnecessary waste has been created.

Crafty Fingers

For a family with kids crafting can be a fun way to spend an afternoon, learning about recycling and upcycling. Make colourful plant pots out of old jars and cans or ornaments out of egg cartons. It's all up to your imagination, it's fun and you'll be making sure there's less recycling to put out that week.

Have a Day Without Electronics

Easier said than done but you can at least try to minimise for a day. Spend some quality time reading a book, painting or crafting. Some fresh sandwiches and salad for lunch and dinner? Maybe we can't do it every day but it's worth having a bit of a technology break once in a while, and it means using less electricity.

Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder

Another fun activity to do with the family or on your own. Bird feeders will not only attract tons of birds you can watch and take photos of, but they're a great source of food for those birds that might be struggling to survive because of an injury.

Check For Leaks

While it may not sound as fun as crafting, it can be really useful to teach the kids how to recognise signs of leaks, and plumbing problems. Not only can it save money from water bills, but also help the environment and the Earth by saving precious water.

two hands with a globe inside infront of a green background


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