Botched bank holiday DIY set to spike repair call outs on Tuesday
Many look to have their weekend botch jobs repaired on Tuesday. Here, our engineers have shared their seven deadly sin 'botch' jobs and how to avoid them.

Tuesday will see home repair call outs spike as many look to have their weekend botch jobs repaired, or finally get that "emergency" repair done after putting it off to enjoy a weekend in the sun.
RIGHTIO expects call outs to spike on Tuesday following the May Bank Holiday, like last year, as many learn the hard way that some jobs are better left to the professionals.
Karl Tulloch, Managing Director at Rightio, said:
"Brits love for DIY gets into full swing over Bank Holiday weekends as many look to tackle those odd jobs they've been meaning to get to - as well as those "emergencies" that get togethers and time at home can bring.
"However, while it may seem a great idea at the time, inexperienced homeowners carrying out work beyond their DIY capabilities often just creates a bigger, more urgent and costly problem for a professional to fix.
"We're all for homeowners getting down to some DIY over the bank holiday, but strongly recommend that they stick to jobs within their comfort zone, and most importantly, stay safe."
While RIGHTIO call outs drop by more than a third over a Bank Holiday weekend, the spike on Tuesday - with 200 more calls than average - suggests that as soon as the Bank Holiday ends, many realise that their well-intentioned but under-experienced botch jobs need putting right.
Here, our engineers have shared their seven deadly sin "botch" jobs and how to avoid them:
Sellotape is not your best friend; it's a short term fling
It might seem like a nifty trick to fix a water leak by sellotaping the pipes, but it loses grip as soon as it comes into contact with liquid, leaving you in hot water
"I'll just screw down this lino", said no one ever
What could go wrong with screwing the new lino down or hammering a few nails into a rickety floorboard? Lots! Under your feet there is usually a maze of pipes that could leave your bank balance floored
That'll clear it
Blocked pipes are not always a quick fix. It the blockage isn't budging and the fluid isn't draining, don't resort to harsh chemicals such as caustic soda, or you and the repairer could end up with nasty burns when the pipes are inevitably taken apart
Heating system roulette
Lots of different wires and tricky symbols makes rewiring heating system timers more like a game of roulette - usually one where the house doesn't win. You could end up stopping the system all together or confusing it, leading to long-term damage
'Sealant gun happy'
Having a sealant gun in your hand makes you feel like a DIY god, but this doesn't mean that you should seal everything in sight. Without the correct method and practice, sealant might not even last a week. Make sure you know what you're doing or call in someone who does
The wirings in the wall
A simple nail in the wall, what could go wrong? As with floors, there is usually a labyrinth of electrical wires behind a wall. One ill-placed nail can easily cause significant damage to your home's electrics
Rogue traders
More than ever, Rightio is called out to repair a faulty job from another tradesman. Before opting for the cheapest deal, make sure you look around and find a company with great ratings and strong track record. Ask friends for recommendations or check out online ratings services such as Trust Pilot
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